I’ve been thinking a lot about personal style lately. It was even the subject of my last therapy session. I have a bunch of random thoughts that I’m going to put down here but forgive me if this post isn’t smooth and cohesive, because I’m still very much sorting through these ideas. First, I want…
Category: Writing
Blog 5.20.24
Being ‘mid’ is supposed to be an insult, or so I’m told. This kind of hierarchical bullshit rating system has plagued me for my entire life. I remember when I was a teenager, the boys would refer to girls as numbers (between 1-10). Then the internet came along and we had sites like “Hot or…
Blog 4.30.24
Yesterday was extremely busy and productive. Today I’m feeling a bit washed out. Which is fine. I’m learning to listen to my body and adjust my pace, as needed. I did get up early and do yoga and journaling this morning; and I’ve done a read-through of the next three chapters that I’m editing this…
Blog 4.23.24
Today I have a break in the writing action because it’s time to clean the damn house. Back when I was working full-time and raising two kids, I used to be much more fastidious about keeping up with it. It’s amusing to find that the more time I have, the less I want to use…
Blog 4.18.24
This blog post is going to sound a little whiny, but I need to get it out before I start writing today. I met with one of my writing partners early this morning for our regular exchange/feedback sesh, and her feedback was fantastic. But as usual, after receiving feedback I feel like I’m just terrible…
Blog 4.17.24
I had an opportunity to interview filmmaker Geoff Marslett yesterday for an upcoming podcast episode, and it was a powerful conversation about the challenges independent artists face, and the line we have to walk between our wildest creative impulses and marketability. To me, it feels like a paradox. Art, by its very nature, is disruptive….
Blog 4.15.24
I’m starting another one of my social media sabbaticals today. This time I’ll be “offline” for six weeks. Once again, I feel a profound sense of relief to be able to step away, and I wonder how much longer I can maintain a personal presence on these platforms. The whole thing really has become an…